
Gorge Safety Committee

The committee is tasked with regularly assessing the effectiveness of Cornell’s educational, safety, communication and maintenance efforts in the gorges that intersect campus.

Kevin Perry, Gorge Safety Committee Co-Chair

Kate Supron, Gorge Safety Committee Co-Chair

Cornell Outdoor Education logo

Cornell Outdoor Education

Cornell Outdoor Education develops experience-based education in the outdoor environment at Cornell University and around the world.

Mark Holton, Director
Outdoor Programs and Risk Management, Cornell Outdoor Education

Cornel Botanic Gardens logo Cornell Botanic Gardens

The Cornell Botanic Gardens is responsible for maintaining the safety of gorge trails and the health of gorge ecosystems.

Contact the main office at (607) 255-2400

Cornell University Campus Police logo

Cornell Police

The Cornell Police enforce federal, state, and local laws as well as Cornell’s Campus Code of Conduct.

Contact the Cornell Police at (607) 255-1111.